While the phrase “fake news” is not new, it became a trending topic in early/mid November 2016...
General Information & Political Career Governor Jerry Brown was born on April 7, 1938, and he’s currently...
Summary: With the phrase “fake news” being tossed around, often with little context, many are left wondering...
Summary Alex Jones’ and Info Wars’ support for Donald Trump, and the role of fake news sites...
One of the major concerns by both First American and environmental groups are potential pipeline leaks. While...
Claim: Milo Yiannopoulos’ Twitter Ban was a cowardly action. He was unfairly targeted and it’s an infringement...
In 2015, Donald Trump kick started his campaign with a speech that included the claim that Mexico...
Hours ago, the secret service rushed Donald Trump off stage during a rally speech after a small...
On September 8th, Natural News reported that Hillary Clinton cheated in her debate with Donald Trump by...
Claim: A recently-leaked DNC email referencing a “taco bowl engagement” shows the DNC’s disdain for Hispanic voters....