March 24, 2025

Privacy Policy

Online privacy and security is very extremely important to us at Fact and Myth. As such, FAM has developed this Privacy Policy page in order to disclose our use of data, and explain our policy towards personal information. The following list explains this.

  • Fact and Myth does not collect information beyond 3rd party (Google/Wordpress/GoDaddy) site tracking/analytics information.
  • This information is collected for aggregate statistics in order to help us provide a better browsing experience for our visitors
  • If at some point we should attempt to collect personally identifiable information, Fact and Myth will disclose this, and identify the reason for this
  • Fact and Myth will only obtain personal information by lawful, fair, and disclosed means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
  • Fact and Myth does not (knowingly) share your information with the NSA, Illuminati, Free Masons, nor even the Grey Aliens.
  • Fact and Myth will make readily available to visitors information about its policies and practices in relation to the management and/or use of personal information.

Fact and Myth will conduct its business in accordance with the above principles in order to provide  confidentiality of personal browsing  information is protected and maintained.